American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D6690 (TM-11) has been the reference standard for sealants for many years. Sealant manufacturers produce a variety of products that satisfy the ASTM requirements. ASTM D6690 identifies four different types of sealants as follows:
Type I: Sealant for moderate climates, with low-temperature performance tested at -18°C with 50% extension.
Type II: Sealant for most climates, with low-temperature performance tested at -29°C with 50% extension.
Type III: Sealant for most climates, with low-temperature performance tested at -29°C with 50% extension—special tests are also included {ASTM notes that these specification requirements were formerly Federal Specification SS-S-1401C}.
Type IV: Sealant for very cold climates, with low-temperature performance tested at -29°C with 200% extension.
ASTM D5078 is a crack filler specification. Materials complying with this specification can be used in non-working cracks (less than 1/8 inch movement).
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