Chip Seals are designed for application on pavements that have adequate structural capacity. If a pavement is displaying structural distress, a different treatment should be selected. If a pavement is experiencing active rutting and/or shoving, it is not a candidate for chip sealing.
Site Selection for Specific Distresses
Loss of Fines
Although chip seals are widely used in the preservation of good roads, the treatment may also be used to address specific pavement distresses early on. Thus solving pavement problems early and avoiding more invasive measures that may be required later on.
LOSS OF FRICTION: chip seals increase the skid resistance of the roadway. If there is a roadway that has low friction numbers, a chip seal can increase those friction numbers.
MINOR CRACKING/WATER INFILTRATION: chip seals address minor cracks, less than ¼”. Remember that water is our number one enemy and anything we can do to keep the water out is good.
Road Type, Surface, and Traffic Specifics
Rural Highway
Chip seals can be used on a variety of road types, and throughout the range of traffic level:
Interstate highways
State highways
Collector streets
Local streets
Weather or seasonal limitations as described in the Construction section should be followed closely. Most chip seal failures are due to construction that is too early or too late in the season.
If you are in the snow belt, the design embedment should be such as to prevent snow plow damage. For example, MnDOT's recommended embedment percentage is 70%.
Good Candidate - Minor Cracking
Good Candidate - Friction Loss
Bad candidate - Wide crack
Bad candidate - Rutting
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