Micro surfacing was successfully placed on one of the busiest and most congested roads in the Greater Columbus area. By working with the Ohio DOT, the contractor was able to minimize traffic disruption while placing a high quality material.
Traffic disruptions reduced from 125 nighttime closures to four weekend closures.
Ohio DOT recognized micro surfacing as the best option to preserve certain sections of I-670 and I-71. Strawser Construction submitted, and Ohio DOT approved a Value Engineering Change Proposal which greatly reduced the disruption to the traveling public.
Since this 3.88 mile section I-670 experienced high traffic (ADT of 191,663), nighttime lane closures were specified. Due to the number of on and off ramps and multiple lanes on this section of I-670, and the limited hours a lane can be closed at night, performing the work in the limited nighttime hours increased the duration and complexity of the project.
The contractor proposed a Value Engineering Change Proposal. Ohio DOT reviewed the proposal and accepted it. By performing the work in four weekends, coupled with the quick break and set characteristics of micro surfacing, the safety, productivity, and traffic distruption aspects of the project were greatly improved.
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