Coming together for the 20th consecutive year, the Asphalt Emulsions Manufactures Association (AEMA), Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) are looking forward to bringing the future of the industry to forefront of this Annual Meeting. The 2023 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting will be held at The Wigwam Resort in Litchfield Park, Arizona, located about 20 miles outside Phoenix, February 27 to March 3.
Program Chairs Dan Koeninger, AEMA, Jason Wielinski, ARRA, and Brad Pearce, ISSA have worked together to create a program that will provide attendees with innovated topics that will improve their business, keep abreast best practices, and look at what the future holds for the industry.
The Annual Meeting will start Wednesday morning with Keynote Speaker Michael Rogers who is a best-selling author, technology pioneer and futurist. His presentation will focus on how organizations can think about the future in useful ways. The General Session will also include a presentation on workforce development, an update from FP2, Colorado’s sustainability effort, and industry panel discussion.
During Wednesday afternoon, attendees will have the opportunity to attend the AEMA Technical Session. This session will include a presentation on the history of asphalt emulsions, student research and specifications for the future, cationic emulsion, and transition to emulsion from cutbacks and movinv away from hot sealers in Australia.
ISSA’s Technical Session will take place Thursday morning after the Awards & Recognition Breakfast. During this session, attendees will hear from the 2023 ISSA President’s Award winner, review ISSA’s new classroom module, and learn about recent job stories.
ARRA will round out the Technical Sessions on Thursday afternoon. This session will focus on cold recycling projects, CIR short term curing, workforce development, and the effective use of microcracking for shrinkage crack mitigation on FDR-C projects.
Registration is now open and AEMA, ARRA, and ISSA encourage everyone to register today. Registration rates increase on February 11, 2023. Sponsorships are still available. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Ali Mostardo at for more information.
We look forward to seeing everyone in Arizona in a few short months!