2022 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting Puts Sustainability at the Forefront

For the first time in two years, the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA), and the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) came together for the 2022 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting which was held in-person at the Hilton La Jolla Torrey Pines, February 22-25, in La Jolla, California. More than 350 registered attendees including AEMA, ARRA, and ISSA members, non-members, academia, and government agencies joined together to learn from industry leaders, network, and enjoyed the beauty of the California coastline.

The 2022 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting could not be made possible without generous sponsorships from members. A special thank you to the four Green Sponsors- Astec Industries, Caterpillar, Pavement Recycling Systems, and the Wirtgen Group. Thank you to Ingevity for their Gold Sponsorship. Thank to the four Silver Sponsors- Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Russell Standard, Superior Tire & Rubber, and UltraPave. Thanks to Nouryon for the Keynote Sponsorship and RockSolid Reclamation & Stabilization for their Lanyard Sponsorship. Thank you to Highway Rehab Corp for their Mobile App Sponsorship and BASF for their WIFI Sponsorship. Thank you to the two Videographer Sponsors- Dalworth Machine Equipment and Midland. Lastly, Bronze sponsors included Albina Asphalt, Asphalt Materials, Inc. Arkema-Road Science, Bergkamp, BLS Enterprises, BOMAG, FORTA, Global Emissionairy, International Tank Systems Inc., KAO, Vance Brothers, VSS Macropaver, Walker, and Western Emulsions.

Program Chairs Dan Koeninger, AEMA, Kimbel Stokes, ARRA, and Brad Pearce, ISSA, spent months planning the Annual Meeting with the primary focus on sustainability. Each chair was responsible to fill their Association’s Technical Session along with working together to create a program for the General Session. After reviewing previous feedback, Koeninger, Stokes, and Pearce decided to update the schedule to allow for no overlapping Association Technical Sessions so attendees could attend them all if they wished which were well received.

On Wednesday morning, the General Session kicked off with Keynote, Dirk Beveridge. Beveridge welcomed attendees while focusing on four key words: Purpose, Alignment, Growth, Sustainable. Next, an industry panel, moderated by John Rathbun, Culter Repaving, featured industry association leaders including Tim Harrawood, FP2, Pete Grass, Asphalt Institute, Antonia Nieves, FWHA, Bouzid Choubane, NCPP, Buzz Powell, NCAT, Bob Huitt, AEMA, Jonathan Pease, ARRA, and Chuck Ingram, ISSA. Dean Franks, American Road & Transportation Builders Association, reviewed the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act. Attendees then heard from Yohan Halpern and Clarence Su with Los Angeles County as they shared how they approached sustainable pavement treatments. Lastly, Dr. Andrew Braham, University of Arkansas and PPRA Sustainability Chair, provided an update on PPRA’s Sustainability Committee.

ARRA’s Technical Session was held Wednesday afternoon. Program Chair Stokes worked hard to put  together a session that included mostly host-state job stories and projects. First, Allen King, Caltrans, provided a DOT’s perspective on the current state and future of recycling pavement in California. Bill Morgan, Engineering Services Division Department of Public Works- County of San Diego, shared advancements in the use of pavement recycling strategies in the San Diego region. Next, Michael Concannon, Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. and Josh Nelson, City of Industry, CA provided attendees with information on the City of Industry’s sustainable approach for pavement reconstruction. ARRA’s 2022 Hot In-Place Award Winner, Angela Hagger and Lindsey Chieduko, City & County of Denver, shared information on their award-winning project. Lastly, Dennis McElroy, Graniterock, shared information on the Highway 1 Cold In-Place Recycling Project in California.

Thursday morning, AEMA Program Chair Koeninger, created a technical session that included Tom Flowers, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, sharing information on how Texas is using emulsions in full depth reclamation. Next, Jean-Martin Croteau, Colas Canada Inc., presented on half-warn mix asphalt. Attendees then heard an update on the Pavement Preservation Emulsion Task Force (EFT) from Larry Tomkins, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions. Lastly AEMA Supplier Chair, Donna Kwapis, Nouryon, provided information on the supply outlook for 2022.

ISSA’s technical session rounded out Thursday afternoon. Pearce, ISSA Program Chair, filled the session with job stories and updates. First, Jared Peck, City of Orem, shared information on the City of Orem, Utah’s pavement management program. Then, Dr. Andrew Braham, University of Arkansas, presented on sustainable aspects of ISSA’s core treatments. Dr. Adriana Vargas, NCAT, provided an update on ISSA’s Field Sampling project, followed by ISSA President Chuck Ingram, Slurry Pavers, providing updates on ISSA’s Technical Bulletins. Lastly, ISSA’s 2022 President Award Winner, VSS International Inc. had Matthew Ferguson present on their Yosemite National Park project.

On Friday, 90 golfers participated in the 2022 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Golf Outing on the prestigious Torrey Pines Golf Course.

The 2023 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting will be held at the Wigwam in Litchfield Park, Arizona, February 28- March 3. More information will be available in the coming months with registration opening October 2022.