Looking Ahead to the 2022 AEMA-ARRA-ISSA Annual Meeting

Coming together collectively for the 19th consecutive year, the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA), the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association (ARRA) and the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) are excited to be back in-person for the Annual Meeting, February 21-25, 2022, in La Jolla, California.

Program Chairs, Dan Koeninger, Brad Pearce, and Kimbel Stokes have worked together to create a program that has industry experts speaking on innovative topics that will provide opportunities to attendees to improve their business, keep abreast of best practices, and connect with colleagues in the industry.

To kick-off the meeting, attendees will hear from Keynote Dirk Beveridge. Beveridge is the President and CEO of Beveridge Consulting Group, a sales, leadership, and innovation development firm that helps distributors and manufacturers become more competitive and provide deeper value to customers. Beveridge is a leading advocate of change and innovation. He will speak to attendees on innovative marketing. The General Session will also include an industry association panel, infrastructure bill review, and a job story featuring Los Angeles County.

New this year, in response to previous meeting evaluations, there will be no overlapping Association Technical Sessions to allow attendees to join each session if they wish.

Wednesday afternoon, attendees have the opportunity to participate in the ARRA Technical Session. This session will include presentations including CALTRANs perspective on the current state and future of recycling pavements in California, advancements in using pavement recycling strategies in the San Diego region, and Cold In-place Recycling in the City of San Jose and the CIR project on Highway 1 in California. Lastly, ARRA’s Special Recognition in HIR Award Winner, Denver City and County, will share information on their sustainability efforts.

AEMA’s Technical Session will start Thursday morning with presentations focusing on full depth reclamation using emulsion in Texas, emulsion use in “Half-Warm-Mix,” and updates on the EFT guidelines and training documents, as well as a presentation from the AEMA Leadership Development Team.

The last Technical Session will be ISSA focused on Thursday afternoon. During this session, attendees will hear from Orem, Utah and their pavement maintenance program, sustainable aspects of ISSA Core Treatments, an update on ISSA Field Sampling test, and information on the new Design and Inspection Manual. Lastly, ISSA’s 2022 President Award winner will share their award-winning project.

Registration is now open and we encourage everyone to register now before rates increase on February 5th. There are also various sponsorships still available. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Ali Mostardo at alim@cmservices.com.

We look forward to seeing everyone in sunny California in a few short months!