At the 16th combined annual meeting of the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association, the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association, and the International Slurry Surfacing Association, nearly 260 members, industry representatives, and spouses witnessed transitions in leadership and recognition of achievements and exemplary services to the industry and the associations.
The meeting, located at the Grand Fiesta America Coral Beach in Cancun, Mexico, started with a compelling keynote presentation by former U.S. Navy Seal J.P. Dinnell, who spent nearly a decade in the SEAL Teams with three combat deployments. Highlighting some of his experiences, Dinnell spoke to how to build a high-performance winning team and dominate the industry battlefield.
John Rathbun, Cutler Repaving, moderates the Industry Executives Panel.
The general session featured two panel discussions. The first, with a panel of industry association and organization leaders, spoke to “Growing the Market in the Pavement Preservation and Recycling Industry.” Featured panelists included National Center for Pavement Preservation Director Judith Corley-Lay, FP2 Executive Director Jim Moulthrop, National Center for Asphalt Technology Assistant Director Buzz Powell, and PPRA association presidents Mark Ishee of AEMA, Darren Coughlin of ARRA, and Rex Eberly of ISSA. The second panel explored the challenges in a growing market. Industry Executives making up the panel included Vestal Asphalt President Neil Guiles, Roadtec President John Irvine, Pavement Coatings Co. President Doug Ford; Walker Emulsions Executive Vice President Archie Reynolds; Miller Paving Ltd. Vice President Ryan Essex, and Bergkamp Inc. President & CEO Scott Bergkamp.
The general session closed with Vario Consulting’s Lindsay Matush and Grace Stansbery highlighting the success of to date and describing how to use the website as both an educational and marketing tool.
Association-specific sessions offered educational opportunities over the course of the meeting.
During AEMA’s technical session, Andrew Braham, University of Arkansas, presented on “Quantifying Workability, Compatibility, and Cohesion Gain of Asphalt Emulsion Cold In-Place Recycling”; Arlis Kadrmas, BASF Corp. spoke on “Evaluating High Float Residues; Joe Reynolds, Associated Asphalt, provided information on “How to Ensure a Successful Project: From Materials Selection to Collaboration Between Supplier, Contractor, and Agency”; and Alejandro Rosales, Idaho Asphalt Supply, shared “Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Micro Surfacing Specimens Prepared Using Modified Schulze-Breuer and Ruck Apparatus and Gyratory Compactor”. Incoming AEMA President Todd Ryne shared information on the upcoming AEMA Benchmarking Survey, and International Bitumen Emulsion Federation President Gaylon Baumgardner shared the most recent developments from that association.
ARRA’s session focused on business-related topics, with Bob Johnson, Bob Johnson Safety Services, leading off with a presentation on “Relationship Based Safety: Lead with Your Heart”; followed by Jacob Monty, Monty & Ramirez LLP speaking on “Managing a Hispanic Workforce”; next was Preston Ingalls of TBR Strategies LLC on “Applying Equipment Best Practices to Reduce Cost and Improve Profitability”; and lastly Horacio Delgado, Mexican Institute of Transportation, spoke to “The Market for Asphalt Recycling in Mexico.”
During the ISSA session, Ben Claypool, Iowa State University, spoke on the “Effectiveness of Pavement Preservation Techniques”; Bruce Uhlman, BASF Corp., discussed the “Eco-Efficiency of Cape Seals”; Michael Heitzmen described “FHWA High Friction Asphalt Bound Alternatives”; Buzz Powell provided an overview of NCAT’s preservation experiment, and in addition, Matt Ferguson, VSS International Inc., shared all that went into the 2019 ISSA President’s Award winning project.
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Mayan dancers perform an interpretation of pre-historic culture to open the 2019 PPRA Recognition Dinner. | |
Numerous achievements and accomplishments were recognized during the ceremony. Here Neil Guiles, Vestal Asphalt, joined by his son Justin receives AEMA's Hall of Fame Award from AEMA President Mark Ishee. | ![]() |
Eschewing the usual Recognition Breakfast, 2019 featured an Awards/Recognition Dinner preceded by a spectacular Mayan dance performance. AEMA provided recognition of the 24 debut awardees of the new AEMA Excellence in Manufacturing Award, and also recognized winners of the Hall of Fame Award (Neil Guiles, Vestal Asphalt), Recognition of Achievement Award (Mike Hemsley, Paragon Technical Services), President’s Award (Andrew Braham, University of Arkansas), and the Past Presidents’ Award (Rankin County Road Department, TL Wallace Construction, and Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.)
ARRA recognized President’s Award winner John Rathbun as well as winners of the Recognition Awards for Excellence in Cold Recycling (Brian Diefenderfer, Virginia Transportation Research Council), Excellence in Full-Depth Reclamation (Duane Alverson, Lake County Highway Dept.), Excellence in Hot In-Place Recycling (Jim Rollins, Town of Winchester, CT), and Excellence in Soil Stabilization (Tom Soucy, Cass County Highway Department). In addition, ARRA/Roads&Bridges Recycling Award winners were named including Brooks Construction, Specialties Co, and Asphalt Materials Inc for the Full-Depth Reclamation Award and Michigan Paving & Materials Co. for Cold In-Place Recycling, as well as Coughlin Co. and Burdick Materials for a second Cold In-Place Recycling Award.
ISSA presented two awards including the President’s Award for Excellence which went to VSS International, Inc. for their work in the town of Apple Valley, CA, and the Award for Excellence in Pavement Preservation which was won by the Rankin County Road Department.
Association Boards Welcome New Presidents, Board Members
During its 46th Annual Meeting, AEMA elected its officers and Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 term. Todd Ryne, Nouryon, was elected as President of AEMA. Ryne is Marketing Manager, Americas, Specialty Ingredients for Nouryon, formerly Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry LLC. AEMA officers also elected include Vice President Bob Huitt, Senior Vice President-Asphalt Materials at Russell Standard Corp, and Secretary/Treasurer Dan Koeninger, Pavement Preservation Division Manager at Terry Asphalt Materials, Inc. Moving to the role of Past President is Mark Ishee, Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
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Directors installed for 2019-2020 include Greg Arntson, Albina Asphalt; Arlis Kadrmas, BASF Corp.; Matt Kennedy, McAsphalt Industries, Inc.; Rick Madison, Ingevity; Jeremy Thomas, Asphalt Materials, Inc.; and new directors Emmanuel Cornet, Colas S.A.; and Scott Dmytrow, Telfer Pavement Technologies LLC. Archie Reynolds, Walker Emulsions, completed his term as Past President and Etienne LeBouteiller, Colas S.A., retired from the Board following four years of service.
During its 43rd Annual Meeting, ARRA elected its officers and Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 term. Eric Baker, Roadtec Inc., was elected as President of ARRA. Baker is Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Roadtec. Stepping into the role of Vice President is Jonathan Pease, President of Rock Solid Stabilization & Reclamation, and Kimbel Stokes, General Manager for The Miller Group, Inc., will serve as Secretary/Treasurer. Rounding out the officers, Darren Coughlin, Coughlin Company, will serve as Past President.
Elected for the 2019-2020 term, ARRA directors include Mike Marshall, Wirtgen America; David Peterson, Caterpillar Paving Products, Inc.; Jason Wielinski, Heritage Research Laboratories/Asphalt Materials, Inc.; Ron Wilson, Dustrol, Inc.; and new directors Trevor Moore, Miller Paving Limited; and Bryan Ray, Allstates Pavement. Steve Cross, PE, Oklahoma State University, will continue as ARRA’s technical director. Ryan Essex, Miller Paving Limited, moved off the Board as he completed his term as Past President.
During its 57th Annual Convention, ISSA elected its officers and Board of Directors for the 2019-2020 term. ISSA elected a new President, Doug Hogue, who is Vice President/GM at VSS Macropaver. Larry Tomkins, Vice President – Sales and Marketing, Southeast Region at Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc., was elected as the new Vice President, and Chuck Ingram, Slurry Pavers Inc. was elected as Secretary, and finally Eric Reimschiissel, American Pavement Preservation, was re-elected as Treasurer. Completing the officers is Rex Eberly, Bergkamp Inc., who moves to the immediate Past President role.
The 2019-2020 Board will include re-elected directors Fabio Mendez, MPI Ltda.; Dan Patenaude, indus; Brad Pearce, Viking Construction; Howie Snyder, Vance Brothers, Inc.; Dave Welborn, Ingevity; and new directors Tim Harrawood, Vance Brothers, Inc.; and Jason Lampley, Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. Bob Jerman, Ingevity, continues his appointment as ISSA’s technical director. Steve Olson, formerly of California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc., retired from the Board and Carter Dabney completed his service as Past President.